
Barbara is a band in Denver, CO. It comprises established musicians Bart Hartman, Anna Panella, and Camilla Vaitaitis. The trio met while studying music performance, jazz, and composition in college together. After moving in together during the heat of the lockdowns of 2020 and suffering from extreme boredom and burnout, the three began experimenting with new, different instruments— saxophone, trombone, and piano became bass, drums, and guitar. Freshly freed from the structures of academia and exploring a new creative sandbox together, songs grew organically.

On a whim, the three tracked and recorded their debut album “Escape Artist” with friends Kevin Cincotta and Ethan Michael over three sublime days at a remote mountain cabin. Since releasing “Escape Artist” in September 2022 with an in-store performance at Twist & Shout Records, Barbara has been in high-demand for Denver shows and festivals and toured internationally in Canada. The three embarked on a self-booked tour in the summer of 2023 ending with a performance at the acclaimed Sled Island music festival in Calgary, AB.

Throughout a year of performance, the sound of Barbara has evolved to encompass dreamy psychedelia, grunge indie, and Music To Feel Things To. Their next single, “For Good Measure,” will be released on May 17, 2024, and the second album will be recorded and released in 2024.